Friday, June 15, 2018


Hi Friends,
Motivation for your friday.

You know, sometimes we let our past define us.
We let it stop us from being who we are meant to be.
We let it hinder us from achieving certain goals.
It shouldn't be. Do not let your past define you.
Whatever happens in the past should stay in the past. Move on from things that can hold you down.

It could be a mistake that was made by not setting your priorities right. Now, you have the chance to do better, go back to the drawing board and make right your wrongs, while you are at it, do not think about the previous mistake.

It could be wrong financial choices, relationship choices, career or even issues from family or loved ones, that does not mean you cannot rise up stronger and make things better.

Regret will definitely show its ugly face but the choice is yours not to let that weigh you down.

Remember, when life throws you lemons, make lemonade out of it. I'll advice you to set your mind to your goals and say to yourself "my  past does not control me, i am in charge of my present and  my life in general, I owe myself nothing but the best".

Do not let your setbacks put your back to the ground.
Rise Up, Be Strong and Never Give Up.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Welcome to my personal space.
It is my first post and I am so excited. God Bless the amazing soul that decided to help me with the blog and encouraged me to start, i owe you one, i promise. The Tosin Daniels blog will not only be entertaining but also educative and enlightening in all aspects.
I'll share with you my personal experiences, travel experiences, inspirational thoughts, interview, short stories and also beauty and fashion.
Your comments and thoughts will be appreciated.
Thank you.